Speed of Our Time (Mine and Yours)
How can you show things in a new light? If we are to believe that nothing can ever be new again, maybe you cant. And if you don’t believe in your own feelings, it is impossible. How can you make other people believe in it? People in general have always been fascinated by other people who know things, foreign people or just people who make you realize who you want to be. Whether you believe in it, is a question of if you are being threatened or impressed (which contradict each other as it is the same thing) by their appearance. If you get them on your side, you have at least won their attention.
Is truth a white line, and when does it change colour? And what has colour to do with lying? Those were the questions I asked myself in the beginning, and they didn’t make any sense at all. Can you make sanity sane? By showing it clearly, associated with things people can personally relate to, and connect it with scientific and philosophical facts, is that enough? To start, I wanted to make a test, which developed and came to be the new work, internal time.
“Kant says that time only has one dimension. It is the form of our inner intuition and as such lacks visually discernable contours. It has no evident shape – Gestalt – but we produce our own images of time through various analogies. We borrow models from geometry to get a better grasp of time’s inner workings.” – Chronology, David Birnbaum.
I wanted to measure my apprehension of time, but without the clock measurements. I have chosen slow, fast or non-speed (normal). But my connection to reality will be the horizontal axis with objective time (clock time). My theory bases on that your time goes pass differently depending on if you are being active (+ expectations) and being passive (+ dependency). It is basics things such as going up in the morning, being stressed by all the things you should achieve today, you are being active and you experience time as going by fast. Later on, on your way to work or another obligation, stressed but dependant on things you can’t affect, such as traffic, other peoples´ decisions; you are passing the stage of “passivity +dependency”, and time still seems to pass as fast. After lunch or when you relax for a while, you are entering the stage passivity, and you feel like the objective time is slowing down. Not for long though, when you realize all the things that still needs to be done, you are passing through the stage “activity +expectations”, and you are experiencing time is passing faster, according to how little you feel is being down. Like this it goes on, entering non-speed when at sleep.
Time With Her
How can I show my internal time? The time I spent with her as a teenager, when I felt like in a bubble –due to my feelings of partly inferiority and partly excitement. Time with her was digital. All the clocks around us were digital, sitting in your armchair watching the TV and the clock on your stereo next to it as the time went by. But did it really? Even the clock in the kitchen was digital, displayed on the microwave. And even though your parents were there, they weren’t outside of this, they somehow added up to the feeling of alienation. When sometimes it felt like the time could go so slow, at other times so fast, what time did we exist in? Was it outside time, only my internal time, the time in my head, informed by my feelings and mood and responses to your reactions? I felt like I was on duty almost all the time; a job being your friend.
This diagram has two functions; heart rate and time, trying to prove the speed of time. My normal heart rate is 64 beats/minute, when I am generally in harmony with others around me and myself. It was the only thing I knew and which had to inform the rest of the diagram. And by that heart rate (feeling, mood), time went on in a general speed, objective or clock time. The higher the heart rate gets, on the left side, the minus side of the diagram, shows upon a slower apprehension of time, due to set in a inferior position towards her. The graph, which continues up along the heart rate axis, however, shows the time apprehended when in balance, harmony or even in a superior position to another. What feels like a relief now to somehow scientifically draw my time line with her, must have been a pain back then.
How To Get Over You
This diagram is based on, and developed around, a diagram of the phenomenology of time by the German philosopher Edmund Husserl. He tried to figure out the connections between now time and past, and what happens with the impression (P) when sinking down along the axis into the past (A-A´). The line, linearity, should always represent time, as it is an ongoing process of now-points that we experience after another (A-E). (E-A´) defines the continuum of phases, with the E being the now-point with horizon of the past. I was wondering if my internal time could fit into the one of Husserl. Am I inside his time, or his inside of mine? What for me is an impression that sinks into the past? I let (P) be Duncan, someone I haven’t successfully gotten over in the most “preferable” speed, if that is what (P-P´) stands for, but slowly am about to. I don’t let the diagonal line of sinking into pastness be a function to what only seems like being the impression itself and time, but also the second most important thing; substitute. Those are impressions too, who follows the original along the line of now-points. The sinking into pastness of the original impression, is a function of what comes along afterwards, but might not be permanent. As the following impressions will only ever have to live up to the reputation of the first one, they might not always succeed and therefore is the line of pastness not always ideal, when based upon human feelings, actions/reactions, and other unreliable phenomenon.
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