

I listen what I listen to
at home
I listen what I need to
bring back -
my dad at the couch
and my mum running around

I look what I looked for
Nobody´s enough though
for letting me in

Safe enough to cry
Safe enough to lie



et libères-moi

lá oú je saigne d'être

Traduis-moi en coleurs
où tes mots préférés

pour que tu puisses me comprendre
quand m'envole avec les oiseaux

- - -

Translate me
and set me free

Re-locate me
to where I'm bleeding to be

Translate me into colours
or your favourite words

so you can relate to me
when I fly with the birds

Translations (Group Exhibition), London

End exhibiton including a photograph, texts and "Trainstations" film and a book "Trans".

On Photography

You see, I'm not really into photographing. It's just, if there is a picture which needs to be taken, then I have to take it. And in that sense, I can understand some other photographs. Because maybe I am afraid of what it might expect of me -or more correct; What you would expect. I don't think it's honest to oneself to try to picture oneself in one obligation, in one phase of life. I think maybe it slows you down, if not minimize the image of yourself.
It is a little bit like references and how I choose, or what I would like to believe, not to use them. I think it restricts your way of working and your imagination.

"Knowledge is a language that you have to be able to throw away. You have to forget what you cannot do and just do it."
-Georg Oddner, an early assistant to Richard Avedon.

I resent how I can be almost impressed by someone who know things. Sometimes I think wanna be that person. Whom of myself shall I trust? Or to put it right; Will I be able to stand the pressure from those around me and the one inside me against always knowing appropriate things?



Her name is Emma but looks like a Sophie.
I wonder who I'd rather be.